receiving a question of... "tak anta pic kt salam perantau k?" from my sister, niza...
it was a jaw-dropping moment...hurmm, not quite...but, my face turned into a look of disbelief...
how come my sisters & even my dad didn't buy Kosmo! and Metro newspapers??? why???
fine...blame it on me for knowing about these too late...
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16 AUG 2011 : ni Kosmo! punya salam perantau kot...Metro's on the next day~ |
yeah, after much commenting on fb, my sisters started skyping with me...
niza wanted to show off her new baju raya...yeah! oh, both of them would be wearing jubah as baju raya... *oh lama tak pakai jubah...ehehh
anem seemed to like the idea of 'wearing shawl' since niza told me she would wear one on raya... *she would never leave her 'tudung labuh' for sure...amin~
well, they received my raya card & postcard... *hurmm, ayah's getting thinner i think, hope he's healthy enough...amin~
it was fun to skype with them...gossiping, chit-chatting or just showing me what they bought, like...lemang with serunding daging and showed them off to me... *pfffttt =.=''
husky, our greyish persian cat dah sakit... *cepat sembuh husky!amin... :(
i didn't sleep again for today...yep, spending my time at the lab...but, today was pretty cool since i started doing my math assignment (finally!) by creating a cute website for my math journal... *hope berjaya! amin~ and yeah, for the first time, i could say "pie apple sedap" sincerely since it was really tasty, blimeyyyy! haha i got it from american night food party with a vegie hotdog...ah not bad lah, at least kenyangggg, alhamdulillah :D
...started to watch heroes season 3 & found myself falling in love with sylar. oh. he. is. so. hot...
6.13 am26 august 2011