Tuesday, October 12, 2010

usual lousy daily journal...

"sunny day smiling bright..."
"calm breeze falling leaves..."
"doves flying up n high..."
"words dancing in a heave..." 

indeed..it was a sunny breezy day where i found myself riding my bike under the falling leaves of the quite afternoon...
i enjoyed the ride after class...
cheras was peaceful today...not even a tiny raindrop would dare to touch its ground...

as i was riding.....
i looked at the flying doves...black, white...grey doves...busy searching for food maybe....
i looked at the falling leaves...as i was in korea...those shady trees never failed to make me feel calm...
n yes...i looked at those people who were busy picking up various plants for decorations...again....maybe....

those uttered words......those names that i'd never heard for quite a long time...
those images which i'd almost forgotten...
all came to me so abruptly....
n yes....i never expected this...but i felt nothing....it was empty...
when i looked at those pictures.....when i heard those names....
when i listened to those words they were saying.....

i just replied with a smile....n then, i laughed...
happy n relaxed enough....i just realized....i'd forgiven him.....i like this feeling.....
d feeling of accepting the fate and winning against the unexpected betrayal....
yes......no grudge....no hatred....nothing....

one cool thing about forgiving others....
d calmness that u would never find anywhere...

mom was rite...
she asked me to forgive everyone before i sleep..
you should do it too, you know? =)

"i was wrong, they said...."
"an ungrateful girl, she was..."
"nay, unforeseen!"
     * * *
"sorry, we didn't know d whole truth..."
"talking behind ur back, we apologize..."
"how come u could be that strong dealing with it all alone..."

"oh friends....how i wished i would never make u worry..."
"i kept quite for i never expected such an unpleasant story..."
"alas...these were all history..."
    * * *

it'd been almost 2 months i think....

"sun's still shining bright..."
"how dazzling how brilliant.."
"windows opening wide..."
"so does my heart..."

3.13 pm
11 october 2010


Anonymous said...

the other side of bibah=)

honeymyst396 said...

wat does that supposed to mean? haha....