assalamualaikum la kn...
em...kabare waras??
tah hape aku mrepek.....diz is ma 2nd blog...
smpena bsday aku yg ke 20....hepi bsday 2 masef...
well then...
it's 31st august n i do hope tat it's gonna b cheerful la...sronok gitu..
mmg sronok pn...
today's terawih, alyaa was d imam for terawih...anis.n for witir n me for isyak...
the feeling was quite gud...lme x jdik imam...
xdpt pegy msjid arini la...emmm.....
ahh...wats d point actually eh... goin 2 talk bout my bsday semlm...
yet...diz time wasn't proper as all of a sudden class rep told us kena hntar reflective essay 2morrow, juz after d presentation...
mcm harveee tol
mlm ni minom nscafe sepuas ati then get back 2 work tah smpai ble....
God....pls save me....ameennn....